50 Cent posts scary pics of Beyonce and Jay Z’s baby Blue


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The next world war is almost certain to break out after this. 50 Cent has definitely guaranteed he’s off Jay Z’s Christmas card list and moved onto the hit list by mocking up a picture of his rival rapper’s new baby with wife Beyonce.

In a cruel and very odd outburst, Fiddy (or one of his Photoshopping expert mates) has put Jay Z’s, um, less than feminine face, onto the body of a baby, with a seemingly innocent message to the new parents – until you look at the picture.



“Yal play to much congratulations to JAYZ and Beyonce BABY #BlueIvyCarter IS GEORGOUS,” he Tweeted.

Jay Z and 50 have been rivals for some time, with the latter once saying no one knew who Jay was until he married Beyonce.

you gonna laugh ROFL
Have you seen the mug on 50cent? I don't think he should be making fun of other people's faces. ;)