aaarrrrgghhhh !!! how do i find and get setanta 1 & 2 on sport bouqet ?

in autoBouquetsMaker provider set sky ROI to yes scan will be there, depending were you have provides order it will be in your favs list mine follows after sky uk
3pm premier league match always on Saturday happy days
I have done that with full channel scan and updated epg but still not there???

I have to go into all channels and do epg search for setanta to view it??

any ideas what i am doing wrong

Yeah, you will have 2 full bouquets under the FAV button, so if you put sky uk at the top of the providers order you will
get all the groups for sky uk, followed by all the groups (repeated) for sky ROI.

The channels will be slightly different for each provider,

Go to the second sport group in the list and you should find it in there.

My box has three providers, so I get three lots of groups repeated under the FAV button.

VM, Sky UK, Sky ROI
i am going to re-flash box as nothing really changing and start again, let you know how i get on


---------- Post Merged at 10:08 AM ----------

Sorted, we flashed and kept roi then changed bottom to my local area and now have setanta in sports

thanks all
Yeah, you will have 2 full bouquets under the FAV button, so if you put sky uk at the top of the providers order you will
get all the groups for sky uk, followed by all the groups (repeated) for sky ROI.

The channels will be slightly different for each provider,

Go to the second sport group in the list and you should find it in there.

My box has three providers, so I get three lots of groups repeated under the FAV button.

VM, Sky UK, Sky ROI

Hi there, how do you get VM on your bouqets ?
