AB E2 Problem?


Hi I'm using wooshman's v3.02final for my H.2s and I am getting this error when I run the AutoBouquets E2 plugin.


Is this normal?

As an additional I have noticed recently that some channels have changed. I can manually scan them and find them, but can't seem to update the bouquets with the new channel numbers.

I have tried to change them in the swap channels.txt file but they don't seem to take effect

Channels that are effected include:
BBCTHREE (this is defunct now it has gone online, but is now a blank screen rather than their "this has moved online" sketch)
m>movies+1 (This may now be TrueCrime+1)
more>movies is some indian tv channel now
word network
faith world tv
kicc tv
geo tez
alhebait tv
ATN bangla uk
HUM europe
playboy tv chat
Xpanded TV

Not that I watch all of these mind you, just curious as to why they are not working, silly problem that my brain wants to resolve.

Figured it out

Apparently the AB E2 plugin runs as root, and since I changed my root password and enabled HTTP authentication for WebIF, this stopped the plugin from running

Changed password back to standard and disabled the authentication and it worked

Now have the issue with BBC2 appearing where BBC1 should be, but looking at forums I can see the solution to that