Alternative Softcam manager plugin Anyone used it?


So I cannot get the usual softcam manager to work on my new gigablue x2 on grog or woosh works no problem on VIX.... but I want to use woosh Installed vix and it was crashing using the chabs skin on egg for some reason

Whatever I do softcam manager won't work it wont install initially as it should & when installed from feeds it shows no softcams even though they are installed.

So I downloaded and installed alternative soft cam manager 3.0 , anyone know how this one is configured?

Looks like the line goes into /etc/tuxbox/config Im not sure I should be putting anything else in there as well?

Any help would be appreciated with either getting the original soft cam manager to work or this alternative one. I did have a thought if I could transfer my working soft cam manager from one box to another but I can find the path it installs to

Not looked in the mirror since I started this but wouldn't be surprised If I've gone grey!