Amiko Alien 8900 PVR Recording Issue


Hi All

I have an amiko alien 8900 with latest sh4 hdmu image. Also running cross epg.

When i record any programs however they seem to jump. They dont play smoothly at all. I have a lexar 32gb usb drive mounted as the hdd on the box for my pvr recordings.

Is it just a case of the read/write speed being poor on the drive and that's why im having issues watching back my recordings. I played the .ts recorded file on my pc and have the same issue. Sound cuts in and out. Jumps and doesnt run smoothly at all.

Any suggestions?

I don't know these partcular boxes, but had a similar problem with a cloud ibox 2+. Solved that by swapping the usb drive to the other usb port.
Only has the one usb port unfortunately. Will try a different stick, see if that helps. Looking to upgrade the box anyhow