Best image for ZGEMMA STAR 2S?

Just got the ZGEMMA 2S setup and working with OpenATV 5.1 from an image backup. What do others recommend? Is it worth trying SUCMNSEE's image with this box?

I have an issue with the CCCam not being recognized through the default settings. To get it working I've had to install TSPanel but this seems to cause some issues with freezing.

others will answer better then I can but if it helps:
tspanel has lost favor with most users as its not working too well, try IPTVplayer
I believe N lines using CWS = xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.01 02 03.....14 & MGcamd 1.38 are more stable than using CCcam so I'd go that way If possible although Sucmnsee makes images that have both cams so try his latest build with your CCcam (Sucmnsee has also included IPTVplayer in his build)
Stick with ATV IMHO it's better because ATV will allow updates so you'll always have access to the latest features. Uninstall TSPanel and install softcam-feed-mipsel_1.0_all.ipk (google it!) This will add the softcams menu to your plugins screen from there install the cam you need and control though softcam manager which is available from the blue button in ATV
Thanks Guys. I will spend tomorrow with your suggestions.
Tempted by the layout of the Sky skin in Openvix but take on board your comments.
Great to hear from you and will update with results.
Kiddacs SLYK1 skin can be installed on OpenVix & OpenATV so its up to you if you use OpenATV or OpenVix its a personal choice. The screens you see & interact with are those of the skin so the base program the skin is sitting on is irrelevant to most people.
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