Cant connect Zgemma to laptop for nline transfer. HELP

Hi guys!!

After taking an age to find a usb that the box would read i managed to get scumnsee vix image working!!

Now i cant get box to link to laptop..

I'm not sure if im using correct ip address. Ive got DCC and filezilla still no luck..

Please help been on this box for 3 day..
Go into the network settings on your box. Write your i.p address down that is displayed on the screen. eg (192.168.0.**). Then go into Filezilla on your P.C, Enter your i.p address in the "Host" box. The username and password should be "root". Leave the port box blank. Then connect. Sat box's system files should appear in the area on the right hand side of the screen. Hope that helps.
thanks for replying allready done that no joy, tried on 3 different laptops all with antivirus and firewalls turned off .all i want to do is enter my cline is there another way ?
thanks for replying allready done that no joy, tried on 3 different laptops all with antivirus and firewalls turned off .all i want to do is enter my cline is there another way ?

Yes, if the box is connected to your network then you can access it through your laptop / computer by just going into your network devices and your ZGemma box should show there or it does on mine anyway but i'm using Windows 7 - May be different on other versions of Windows and other OS's.
thanks for replying allready done that no joy, tried on 3 different laptops all with antivirus and firewalls turned off .all i want to do is enter my cline is there another way ?
Yes u can do it with box remote!! Go to the "idiots guide" further down!! Its got all details there!!

Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk
You can only add your line with remote on sucmnsee's image and not openatv.
What programme are you using to add your line . if its filezilla make sure its the client version you downloaded.
i defo recomend useing dcc if very easy to use

set many peeps up useing dcc when filezilla would not connect
all sorted i managed it using dcc ,now off to try change some settings .thanks to you all for your help
regards cyclone2
Lancable helped me out by connecting to my laptop to check settings through FileZilla client. Ask him as its done in minuets rather than spending hours trying to figure it out, the bonus is that you see exactly where to go for future reference