Channels Freezing


I have a Vu+ Solo2 running Vix and have suffered from freezing channels at times since I have had it. Internet speed is 38mb download with fttc. Ping test comes back as 24ms.

Anyway I have tried a few different providers and no matter who I choose there is no difference in the freezing. Basically at times I can watch a full football match without a freeze and at other times it will freeze every couple of minutes. Freezing occurs for between 20 seconds and a minute.

I have had a look at a few threads and it appears I may have to update my Vix image so as I am not that savvy around this box (it was set up for me) I need to know how to find out which Vix image I am running and also if I update it will it just update the image or will I need to re install anything else.

My apologies in advance for being a bit thick :apologetic:
if reflashing setup as new and dont use settings restore,save mg_cfg and newcamd.list to pc/laptop for sending back to box.
menu- information should say what image you are using,get you new image from wos home of vix,before flashing make sure their icon is green to allow box updates as if red you cant get cams.
aha new image name out now
