Channels take a while to unscramble when Openbox first switched on


Hi everyone,
I hope you are well.
Ive had a lot of problems with openbox over last few weeks. I now have a new skydish installed which has enabled me to realise the gift I bought not long ago is no use. His server is down and he doesnt reply. Anyway I have tried a few test lines before finally buying a new gift. However, when I first switch on Openbox all the sky channels remain scrambled for a few minutes which is really annoying. It was the same for all of the test lines.
Has anyone any clue whats going on? Any help much appreciated.
I think this might have to do with the keep-alive setting many servers use.

If you go on to a FTA channel/go into standby, the server doesn't keep the connection alive. Then once you go to a paid channel, the connection would need to be re-established with the server which is most likely what you're experiencing.

This shouldn't take more than 30 secs and if it's taking longer, it could be the box.
Cheap boxes
Mine does it too I guess it must be the emulator startung up after the box hence the delay