Do you remember these?


TK Veteran

Ladies and gents I present the Amstrad SRD400. This was my first sat receiver.

After recently finding it during a loft clear out, I'm wondering what to do with it...

Does anyone collect such things from 1990? It's in great condition and still appears fully working.

Other than use as a sat finder there's not much else can be done with it as it stands as there's no analogue transmissions left in Europe.

Perhaps i could re-case an enigma2 box into it? Any thoughts or ideas?
there can't be many of them around these days, take it to aniques road show lol
Hahaha - amazing how things move on... I bought it 2nd hand and spent ages trying to find a signal... Then there was pretty much the Sky Channel and not much else!
Where have you been hiding @mtpockets

Long time since seeing you
Still lurking and dabbling when I get chance Dave... Unfortunately a promotion has upset the work life balance and I don't get as much time for the fun stuff . Hope all's well with you..

Never even heard of or seen one of those boxes before shows what having channel 1-5 growing up lol
Channel 5 didn't launch till 7years later! Lol showing my age
A few ancient tv channels and some local radio stations if my memory serves me right it was a long time ago and i was only a kid lol and then came along diamond cable and everyone thought all their xmas's had come at once lol
I think i still have a amstrad srd400 in the garage. It was for the old anologue signals on 19.2e. They use to have 48 channels if I can remember correctly but I think it was when the astra 1d launched that you had to get a frequency expander to get all the channels. I remember going off down the market and picked one up. I use to power it by sticking a cut down spade connector into a live pin out of the scart block. When I got an upgrade to a pace mss100 and new dish I took the old dish and bolted it to the garage wall and took that srd400 and started finding other sats. Remember finding hotbird at 13e and watching all the sex phone lines tv channels and some weird sport where blokes would slap each other whilst standing in a field covered in what looked like baby oil. Turned out i think it was turkish wrestling.