Fat People


This lady in the video below is mad because a guy sent a letter and told her that she's fat. There's a lot of people out there that feel sorry for her that this happened....I'm not one one them!! She has the nerve to bring up bulimia and make it a issue about that. They say she laughed off the e-mail but her husband was mad...sure. She's upset because it hurt her that someone called her fat,and it's true she is. If she doesnt like it then do something about it. I'm so SICK of seeing all these FAT people and hearing how people feel bad for them. It's disgraceful and nobody's fault but there own. If you're fat that's your decision fine,but don't get mad if someone calls you fat....because you ARE! If you don't like being fat then do something about it! I go to the grocery store and she these fat people in the motorized carts that are made for people with handicaps are old people... I want to kick these fat people off the cart so bad!! I know there are people out there that have medical issues and have a hard time losing weight,I understand that and that that's an exception. But if people ate the right foods and did even the slightest bit of exercise they wouldn't have to worry about losing weight. What they don;t tell you in the story about thin women i how many times she eats fast food garbage. The choice is yours to make,but don't get mad when someone calls you out and calls you fat. A good diet and exercise....but that takes too much work for most people,so they would rather be fat. No sympathy from me :no no:

It's funny how people can call out a smoker and no one says anything but call someone fat who is fat and all of a sudden the person calling them out is some kind of of subhuman monster, being obese is just as bad as being a smoker if not worse, neither is good for you or the health care system.
This was a private e-mail sent to her and she should have not made it a public affair, she calls this person a bully, what she did was bullying also.
I do understand that some people have issues that cause them to be obese, but there are ways to keep your weight under control, it just takes a little effort.
Was it wrong for this person to call her fat? maybe, but what she did was no better.
Seems to me it started with American TV everybody had to be perfect, have model looks and live a perfect life now anybody who isnt perfect risks getting comments sent to them, now I'm lucky I am perfect but please spare a thought for other peoples feelings. :whistling:
I do agree that she took this to a new level and for no reason apart from that she could being in the position she is/was in? and took advantage of that.

I don't agree that it's right to put a label on everyone that is overweight! by calling them FAT, to me that is short sightedness.


To add: I am a big lad well over 6 foot tall, work out and not classed as overweight for height but ^still my opinion^.[/SUB]