Firmware Update


Hi Guys

I updated my firmware on my Openbox V5s with this firmware SKYBOX_F3S_F5S_3601HD_CMT_14041006DA.abs When i rebooted it the home screen changed to sk@box..

And my cline had gone, is this ok?

Do i need to re-install my cline?

I thought i had bricked my box so i put the original backup on.

Any ideas if i can proceed with Updates from Sk@box on my Open Box?
A "bricked" box is when it will not boot, or keeps rebooting etc. It means that it's as useful as a brick!.

You can put the skybox firmware back on it, but you will need to add your cline again, either manually or by USB.

Ive just seen on yojiatech website there is a newer firmware for Openbox V5S uploaded 26/08/14, is there much difference from the previous version does anyone know? i have "OPENBOX_V5S_3601HD_CMT_140410061" currently installed.