formatting external hardrive query?


TK Veteran

i just got a seagate expansion 3tb external hardrive for my lx2 box on openvix 3.2 037

am i right in thinking it does need formatting to fat32?

hooked up the hardrive to laptop and when i checked the formatting option i cant see fat32 its only got NTFS (default)

is there a programme i need to download on the laptop to be able format it to fat32?

Fat 32 for flashing just on most, just go in to the settings and look at hard drive setting you will be able to do all there
no i didnt. i just assumed ntfs wont get recognised by the box.

ive been reading some posts about it.....mixed answers... some are saying need format it using a free formatting tool because its more than 3gb...some are saying just hook it up and intialisie it and thats it.

what do you recommend cacti?

and also if in the future this box business went all "pete tong" would my hardrive still be recognised by my laptop if formatted to fat32 etc?

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i thought i read sucmnsee used a hdd with ntfs and it worked?hence. why i asked,if the box does not see box then fat 32 is the way to go.if the box goes belly up hdd can still be used with other programs on pc if needed.when hdd is mounted i think it goes to ext 3 to ext 4.

if cable and sat got wiped out would the tsmedia and kodi still work on box via lan?
ive unmounted the 32gb usb i have been using for months and put it in the laptop the little usb with green tick symbol in the bottom right corner comes up but i cant find it in my computer to see whats on the actual usb

any ideas of accessing whats on the usb without erasing it?

ive monuted the 3tb hardrive assuming im going to have set up the locations for epg,recordings etcc