ftp with chromebook


Hi guys,

I decided my windows vista laptop was starting to struggle so fancied a complete change....hey ho! Decided on a Samsung chromebook Pro, which is nice... and a complete change from the windows experience.

Anyway, on to my problem.

I have worked out how to ftp into my box using the browser (ftp://192.168 blah blah:21) and can navigate to my newcamd.list file.

I can download my file for editing in google docs or with a txt writer, and save it, that's not a problem. I can download an edited file to my downloads folder ready for upload to the box

But can I hell as like upload an edited file back to the usr/keys folder!!! Just can't work it out.

Can one of the ftp guru's tell me what I'm doing wrong please? I'm sure it's something daft I'm missing. lol

Thanks guys.:(y):
Try right hand clicking on your newcamd.list when in the folders and edit it there, then save the file, that should work, [ so no need to download the file in the first place m8 ?? ]
Try right hand clicking on your newcamd.list when in the folders and edit it there, then save the file, that should work, [ so no need to download the file in the first place m8 ?? ]

Thanks wullboy, but that's the problem. With chrome, there's no edit function for files on the right click, so you have no choice but to download it to edit.

I've never seen a way to upload in Chrome's FTP page. Just checked up and it looks like you can't within the actual browser (https://support.google.com/chrome/forum/AAAAP1KN0B0-qYWV5FrCRA/?hl=en)

I'd say, go to the Chrome Web Store and look for an FTP program. Like this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sftp-client/jajcoljhdglkjpfefjkgiohbhnkkmipm?hl=en-GB

Cheers h4mz4, that's pretty much what I found. It doesn't look possible without an ftp client. The one you listed gets very mixed reviews for a paid app. I've looked at a couple that just don't seem to work. Think I'll just have to keep trying them until I find a good one.

Used to use filezilla on the old laptop but not sure if I can use that as an app on a chromebook.
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Cheers h4mz4, that's pretty much what I found. It doesn't look possible without an ftp client. The one you listed gets very mixed reviews for a paid app. I've looked at a couple that just don't seem to work. Think I'll just have to keep trying them until I find a good one.

Used to use filezilla on the old laptop but not sure if I can use that as an app on a chromebook.
It seems there is only that app, or using the Chrome browser for downloads only.

You could dual boot with Windows (if your Chromebook is supported), or Linux, so you can get FileZilla running. Or try running a Live Linux USB if you don't want to install a full OS on the Chromebook.

If you didn't want to use a different OS, you could use a web FTP client like net2ftp, but you will have to port forward on your router, which then exposes the zgemma over FTP to the wide web.

Lastly, you can avoid FTP overall, and just use a USB to transfer the files to the box. You'd have to install the FileBrowser plugin (if you're using an Enigma2 device like Zgemma) on the box though or download SecureShell and use SSH commands to move the file over
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Try Crossftp, i bought the software for my mac, i had issue with the text editor, but cross sorted me out on that m8,
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Cheers guys, I'll have a dabble and see if I can get something working.

:grin: Yay, I've found one that works!

FTP Express from the Play Store, takes a bit of fiddling around to set it up, but it lets you download/edit/upload any files.

Just use the tutorial to work out which buttons to press, otherwise you're pressing all kinds of buttons trying to work it out.

Thanks for your replies guys, nice to see something working on a chromebook that's off the old windows path!:(y):
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You can get the PlayStore on Chromebook? That's new to me :LOL:

Yes that's why I went for the Samsung Pro (had to buy it through amazonUS) cos it's one of the modern ones that uses the Play Store. Think they're all getting updates to access it now though.
It seems there is only that app, or using the Chrome browser for downloads only.

You could dual boot with Windows (if your Chromebook is supported),


Ive installed GalliumOS linux as a dualboot system on my chromebook. Its design for a chromebook and works very well.