How do you record one channel and watch another?


Does anybody know how you do this? When I have a channel recording I can't select another one, they all appear greyed out and if I press ok it says if you stop recording you can change a channel. In the FAQ's it says you can record 2 channels and watch another, I can't see how to do this?

Its not a twin tuner so you can only record one/two channel and watch another that is on the same transponder.

You will have any amount on the same TP, some will have only 3 channels, others maybe have 30, you just record and the ones that are not greyed out you can watch.
That's the way I understood it. When I kick a recording of from the channels list all others are greyed out. I had a play around with it this morning and found that if I start a recording from the TP list then I can view the other channels in the same TP, if I had started the same recording from the channel list then they would all be greyed out.
Hope this helps

To perform multi-record, it is recommended that you use a fast USB storage device eg. USB2.0 Hard Drive. USB flash sticks may not give good performance, will be slow interacting, may make the box unstable or may not work at all, but you can try it.

To multi-record, press OK to show Channel List..... Press REC button on remote to start recording.... go to another channel on the same transponder.... press REC again (you may get "Record Full" message if USB is busy or slow, just try it again after a few seconds).... You now have two channels recording and you can now select a third channel on the same transponder to watch.
I've already read this from the FAQ's page on the Blade site, if I record from the Channel List in a group then all others are greyed out even the ones on the same TP. I'll try from the all channels list (not from a group) tonight and see if that works.

Thanks anyway