Messed up please help.


Hi guys,

Seen an update for my box (OpenVix 5.20) i installed it and its messed up my OSCam. I now cant get any channels loading up whatsoever. Anyone got any ideas how to fix this? I am completely stumped. Tried the older software and that wouldn’t work, yet was working fine a few hours back.

Yes, connected and tested internet.

I dropped all the config files etc in the right folder. Now it’s hit and miss as to whether the OSCams will even start. Some do some don’t. Either way get no channels. It’s so strange.
When updating If you reinstalled your backup and plugins then nothing should have changed the Oscam settings.
The settings backup is created automatically when you start to update your box. It will be still there.
I had similar when I flashed VIX 5.2 on my formuler F1
The only EPG I had was last scanned,
Luckily I had a back-up and it sorted it back to how it should be.