multiroom viewing with openbox s10


Hi all< i am a newbie and have an openbox s10, its running great but i want to watch it around my home, i have received loads of ideas but i want to know the best way of doing this. i am also considering buying a second box, will this work off the first box and can i watch different channels ? if so what do i need to do plz help:smoke rings:
thread title changed, please choose a thread title other than help needed etc will get you more and better help in the end.
i dont think that you can run 2 boxes of 1 box. as far as i'm aware 2 boxes will run from a splitter feed but would imagine that you mean run the 2 boxes of the 1 cline not possible unless you are the one who created the cline then you can add users to it. where as i assume the cline you have is a single cline.

so you can run multiple boxes from splitters but on each box you will need a different cline if that makes sense.

this is how i understand it but could be wrong
You can run multiple boxes via splitter feeds etc the only issue that will arise is that they wont all run off the same cline, if you add the cline to 2 boxes and try and run consec they cancel each other out etc.

so if you want too run 2 boxes from same feed you will need 2 clines 1 for each box
Another thing to watch out for is even if your CS provider ok's it for you to run the line on 2 boxes, which alot will let you do now, if you have clone boxes with the same Mac adresses on them it will not work off the same IP.
I also have read that you can run two boxes
of the same cline if the IP is the same,
the logic being they are running off one computer
so they must be in the same house.
but i would check with your cline provider first.

You could use homeplugs to get your internet
feed around your house without loads of wires
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