My Grievances with my new box



A few days ago my new Blade BM5000s box arrived. It was the first box id ever used but was nice and easy to set up using the info on this forum and within half hour I was up and running.

After using it for the last couple of nights however, I have a few issues which bug me but I am unsure if there is anything I can do about them. Can anyone help?

They are;

1. Is there a way to view the EPG without it changing channel to anything that you hover over?
2. Likewise with Sky/Virgin etc you can scroll through the info for the other channels to find something you want to watch before clicking to turn to that channel. With Blade when I press up or down to view the info for other channels the channel turns over too.
3. I sometimes get audio and video out of sync by a second or so. Why does this happen? Is it the server, signal or box? Is there anything I can do to prevent this as at present I have to change channels a few times and then it works again.
4. When changing channels the visual changes instantly but the audio takes a second or two to kick in - is there any reason for this?

Any help on the above would be much appreciated because apart from these couple of niggly issues I'm very happy with box.

press EPG on your remote whatever channel you're on then you can check whats on and coming on on that channel after you've checked one channel press exit, then scroll down to another channel and you can check that epg etc.

Regarding audio sync im not sure not had this problem on this box but do on my other DM500
might be buggy firmware,recheck audio stream also.might also be whats broadcast as work waas been done on that system.