New network issues


Hi all, I've had two h2s boxes on my network for a good while now running whooshbuild. Everything has been fine until today when none of my paid channels have been working. I've looked into it and it appears to be an issue with my lan connection. Both boxes are directly cabled into my router but all of a sudden neither of them are being assigned an ip address for some reason. I have attempted to assign each box a static up on my network and changed the settings on my box and still no luck. I have also tries resetting each box, powering down with no luck either. I'm at a bit of a loss and would appreciate any advice/help you can give.

Can you plug the cable at one of the boxes into the ethernet port of a laptop with wifi turned off, e.g., to isolate the problem to whether it is the router/cabling or box(es)? If it is the router/cabling have you rebooted the router? If it is the box have you established from the box menu/info/network page that it is indeed a network and not e.g. a cline issue?
Sounds more router based than box based as it wouldbe unlikely that two boxes would fail simultaneously. Reboot router and go from there.