OpenATV 5 - Help from scratch


(ZGEMMA 2S - Sorry )I had a working OpenVix box supplied and working but I tried mtpockets ATV FTP my nline file over etc but nothing I would like to use ATV.

My line provider want to charge me and dont like the idea of me using a different image - apparently they use mgacam 1.38 teh mtpockets uses 1.35 I just cannot get it working

If someone can point me to a decent image and a way to Get SkyBlue EPG skin an up to date EPG and get my softcam working I would really appreciate it - as it is my box is basically a brick :(
your thread is a little confusing about where youre up to, what you've done and what you want?

if you want to flash a working image then select one and follow the instructions that come with it. then read kiddacs thread on slyk1 (though some images come with it pre installed)

all the info you need is on the threads - so just pick an image and off you go. when you've got as far as you can, then come back and let us know