Satellite problems flashing vix 036


alrighty. anyone else having trouble flashing to scumnsee vix 036? im trying to ftp the zip file (openatv) to hdd/imagebackups and restoring but keeps coming up with software error and rebooting box. the only image that has previously been flashed was scumnsee vix 008 but im fed up with messing around trying to sort the rediculous slow interface out so trying a new image. any help would be appreciated.

also what are the differences with openatv and openvix other than the not supported issue. is there any difference once a skin, say blue hd is installed from either image? is it basically just a menu selection thats different? never really grasped how theres such a devide in people betweeen what interface to use when there installing the same skin anyway but thats why i now ask lol