Problems with timeshifting HD


Anyone else having problems with timeshifting HD content?

Have tried several hard drives and I get skipping issues when timeshifting sly sports HD. After a 10-20 seconds playback stops and it moves back to realtime viewing. I also had this problem with other HD channels with all but one (7200rpm) hard drive I've tested with.
Hi mate, like you I've been having the same issue and I've tried various HDD's. I've just got a Western Digital 500GB 7200RPM Scorpio Black HDD used with an ICY Box caddy. I thought that this would surely solve the problem but I was wrong...absolutely gutted!

Anyway, it crossed my mind that it might be something to do with the Video Format on the box, I had mine set to 1080p. I changed this to "Auto" which selected 1080i on my TV....the result is that this has solved the problem. I can now use the time shift function with all the S!y HD channels, when I pause and resume it works flawlessly. Seeing as the highest resolution that is broadcasted in the UK is 1080i this makes no difference to the image quality.

Check the video format on the Blade under A/V output settings...hope this helps.
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