
this is not my work What you need
•Phoenix Interface smartcardreader Infinity USB unlimited)
•Paid subscription card my official Digitenne smartcard)
•DVB-T tuner the Twinhan clone: Easylite DVB-T USB)
•Newcs 1.65
•ProgDVB 6.0.4

•WinCSC-plugin NewCS
•Decompress the files from the NewCS archive to some directory
•Go to the configs directory and find your config file or download my simple or advanced (rename to newcs.xml) config file.
•Copy the newcs.xml file to the win32 directory
•Open the newcs.xml file.
•Now the <node> and <newcamd_port> tags are interesting for us. Specify the serial port (COMx) on which You have a cardreader hardware installed (for infinity USB you can choose your emulated COM port here). Also, specify the debug port for the NewCS server (starts its numbering from 10001).
•Add some users. Find a user tag:

Modify the <name> and <password> to fit your needs. You can have multiple <user> tags, of course.

•Start the newcs.exe from the command prompt or by double clicking on it.
Note: If NewCS is not running properly and/or shuttin down, try setting debug output to none in your xml config file.

Connecting to you cardsever
•Install ProgDVB
•Extract WinCSC archive to some directory
•Copy the contents of the different folders to ProgDVB plugins folder, Main folder and the windows->system folder
•Start ProgDVB, activate your device and search for channels
•Choose plugins – -> Cardserver client –> configure server
•Delete all current configurations
•Fill out server details, mine where:
protocol: newcamd525
username: testing
Password: ********
Cardserver IP Adress: (my server address in home network) choose localhost if cardserver is on same windows machine.
port: 15000

That’s it! Enjoy!
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