Stream from Xpeed LX2 to PC


Since I dumped *ky I have lost the option of watching sports on my PC via *ky Go. This was handy when the missus wanted to watch whatever and I wanted to watch my stuff, I could retire to my office and watch to my hearts content.
Question: is there a way to stream from the box over the wired network to my pc. She would be watching freeview built into the tv while I watch footie via Xpeed to PC - if there is such a thing.
Be great if there was. It would make my life a lot simpler :smack:

Cheers fellas
Menu, info,network - make note of ip address
Copy ip address into internet address bar - enter
Webif should open up
Navigate from there. Use vlc player for streaming
Hi y'all
Many, many thanks. I'm now sitting here watching Barcelona vs Roma while the missus watches something about hypochondriacs (wow great goal by Hannibal)
I didn't need to download webif, I typed in the web address and it just opened (where did it come from????).
I'm using VLC. It seems to stutter a little now and again. I've set the cache to 5000 could I do anything else to improve stream
A strange one
It glitches a lot, lot lot less on the tv, fta or premium.
I think I'm going to invest in some Powerline 500s, at the moment I'm using 200s which although they've been fine for streaming to my Roku webife may be a different matter