Whites Tree Frogs


Bought hubby a couple of whites tree frogs for our anniversary ( well bought them for me really lol)
but when we had our others before they died he used to love them.
Hope these turn out to be males as the males have a wicked calling noise they make. If you put on music or the hoover they would think it was someone calling them and they croaked!



Here also is a photo of one of the other ones we used to have before it died - jsut to show you how big they can get!


Ummmmmm I thought they we're white Linny? LOL!!!!

I really have to stop reading these posts, everytime I do I want one of the little critters LOL!!!!

Did you give them names yet?
no no names as yet. They are called Whites after i believe the guy that found them LOL!!!
Their colourings change from a really pale bluey green to the dark brown colour depending on the heat light and what mood they are in :)
These little cirtters are hard to find since Indonesia closed their doors ( so to speak) so only ones that are available at least here in the UK are usually born here!

Go on go get some they are easy to keep and as you can see they are in a small tank which they will live in for the rest of their lives and need to be kept at room temperature - we only use a heat mat when its cold at night in the winter, they get natural day light from the dinning room window as we get sunlight all day in that room and it gets very warm. They just need spraying with water a few times a day!!
Aww Linny they're gorgeous!
Always loved frogs. When I lived in North Queensland (in Australia) we used to get massive green tree frogs on my windowsills all the time, I love them :)
oh wow! did they make much noise? all we get here in the UK is birds Pigeons, crows n magpies, or foxes n squirrels. Do find the odd frog or toad ( common garden ones) now and again.
They didn't make that much noise, you could hear them if it was very quiet. They just kinda sat there all fat, cute and slimy.

We have heaps of pigeons, crows and magpies. Plenty of foxes where I live now too, they keep eating my chooks :(
Every now and then we'll get a couple of small frogs in the garden, have even seen a couple of small scorpions in summer.
If I'm lucky, some days there's a couple of wedge tailed eagles perched in a tree at the top of the hill, that's magic to see :)
oh wow! Yes thats the problem with Foxes they kill chickens - never known them to eat any but here now its the new pet craze to have chickens we even thought about it but coz we have 1 fox that visits regular we decided against it. MM not a lover of scorpians. Wow bet the eagles are great youll have to share some piccies with us :)
We have sheets of tin all around our chook yard that goes under the ground a bit too, just to keep them out. Has been the only thing stopping them from getting in again.
I just like how mean and alien scorpions look, I don't like how intrigued my dog gets when he sees them lol. The ones we've seen have only been a few cms long.
I'll try to get some good pictures of the eagles. Every time I see them I don't have my camera.