Cable Zgemma H1 sluggishness / internal memory size


  • Hi All,

    Recently bought a H1 and from the off, it's fine when just watching TV, but as soon as I try pausing / timeshift, or recording a channel, the box is horrendously sluggish at responging to the remote - eg i'm rewinding / fastforwarding even at 4 or 8x, it often takes 20-30 seconds to respond to me pressing play.

    At first I put it down to the 1TB USB 3 hard disk i was using, but i've since tried a USB 2, and also a 64GB (genuine Sandisk) USB stick, and it's the same with that.

    I'd originally had succmnsee's VIX build on, but figuring it was down to internal memory, i've flashed a barebones latest openatv 5.1, and the only plugins installed were cacheflush, swapfile & mgcamd, and it's still no better.

    Started looking into free memory from menu > info > memory, and free memory shows as between 1400 - 1900 when paused on a HD channel. The box is advertised as 512Mb internal memory, but mine looks to have only 256Mb... Could someone check theirs please and post back?


Thanks mate. Yeah it's installed but does it work automatically when running? When I first reboot the box it does flash up with a status showing stopped?

Edit - it wasn't running, but presumably it would've been on the previous backup images I had installed. I've set it to run now & will see how it goes.... I'd still be interested in what others' total memory shows as though...

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Reflashed the box again last night, again with clean openatv 5.1, installed only cacheflush, xmltvimport, softcam and autoboquetmaker, but this time i've added a USB to the front for EPG & timeshift, with HD connected to the rear for recordings, and it's still horrendously slow during timeshift, on both SD & HD channels.

Could you do me a favour please and check what your memory shows as, and does anyone have any suggestions as to what else to try - could it be a fault with the box?

Sorry mate I sold mines recently. Streaming uses up a lot of memory too

Sent from my HTC Desire 610 using Tapatalk
Cheers mate, just hoping someone else could check theirs too, i've not got any streaming plugins installed, just literally a barebones build.... Think i'm gonna send the ebay shop i bought it from an email see what they say...

Last time of asking I promise!!

But could someone check what their free memory shows as please... It's only a few button presses

Menu > Information > Memory..

I just want to know whether other boxes show ~256MB, or ~512MB

Thanks moreseman, seems it must be quite common and not the cause of the issues i'm having. I've contacted the ebay shop i bought it from and i'm gonna send it back for a replacement
Reflashed the box again last night with a fresh install of openatv 5.1, and after installing each plugin (xmltvimporter + rytec, autoboquetmaker, cacheflush) I was trying the box, pausing, rewinding, fast forwarding etc (to front mounted USB stick) all working fine, almost instant response to button presses. Once the softcam plugin was installed (used CCcam this time instead of mgcam i'd been using previsously), FTPd my line across & rescanned autoboquet, it started playing up, spinning logo occasionally appearing top left, slow to respond to pause, going into menus etc.

I'm not being stupid here am I, or missing some other setup step? I'm worried when I send it back they'll test it with the FTA channels and they'll say it's working fine.....

Any advice lads?
