Zgemma h2.s newcam list



im trying to put my n-line back on my zgemma h2.s box after it crashed and it deleted my saved file from my hardrive

before i was able to do it by installing it through the dreambox plug in, and copying it from my usb to the internal flash usr/keys

but now it lets me copy from the usb, but when i go into the usr/keys file, nothing is there to paste/copy to

i know its there, as i checked the internal flash and the old newcam list is there

any ideas on how i get get the file on my box using a different way, have tried ftp, but it wont let me do it, can i do through usb cam plugin?? that wooshman has maybe??

thanks in advance
i have used filezilla, put my ip address in, used root as the password etc, but it just doesnt let me in, its hard to remember anything more, as im not at home
judetron - thanks but its not a wooshbuild, its a new build, however i did use wooshbuild in past, but got rid of everything, and used the slyskin from a download, does it stay on the box in the background then, not completly wiped off??
Unsure think it goes back to username and password being root then use port 21 worth a try though have you tried any other ftp programs other than filezilla there are quite a few android 1s u can use your phone and do it I've done a few friends that way

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If you have a back up newcamd.list just send it over to the usr/keys folder using dcc. If a file isn't already there that doesn't matter.
thanks techno_noob, i assume dcc is dreambox, im not at my box at mo to check, if so, then when i press copy or move, it doesn't copy across, thanks
thanks techno_noob, i assume dcc is dreambox, im not at my box at mo to check, if so, then when i press copy or move, it doesn't copy across, thanks

Yes dcc is dreambox control centre. Seems odd as whenever I add my line I just chose the location on my laptop and then go into keys folder on the Zgemma and then press the left arrow key and it just sends it across. If there is already a file there is asks if you want to overwrite existing file, if there was no file there already then it just sends it over.
Let us know how you get on when you try later
Thanks techno_noob, sorted now, used root, root and port 21, worked a treat, backed up info to my hardrive and a usb in case it crashed again