19east has Spain gone

Depends which Spanish channels you are talking about ?
FTA channels or Encrypted there is plenty of both .
Perhaps you should be a lot more clear when asking questions ?
Do you have signal issues ?
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Depends which Spanish channels you are talking about ?
FTA channels or Encrypted there is plenty of both .
Perhaps you should be a lot more clear when asking questions ?
Do you have signal issues ?
Are you just random spamming yet again ?
such a pathetic vague question yet again makes it near impossible to provide answers .
I have a Excellant. Signal
There has been problems with the 1810 Caid
Moviestar channels for along time Moviestar have been sending fake cws which causes high
E.c.m times withe the Oscam Ncam platform
This causes time outs black screen. There has
been attempts over the years to add files in the
Oscam .Ncam configuration files to fix the isue
But with no success
You wont ever have a Viark,, Qviart ., GT Media , Starsat.. so whats it matter ?
Just matters that it all works without issues .
You just getting the Sloppy seconds with your box that's why you will not have no access :LOL:
Ok if u think that I don’t :smiley: I’ll stick with my vu e2 box’s iv used the old type of box’s in the early 80s 90s spider box’s hitch box’s etc:laughing::laughing:(y)
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