Satellite Zgemma h7s restart


Looking some help and guidance.
Currently using a zgemma h7s with Wooshbuild installed. I know Wooshbuild is out of date and not supported but it worked with no issues until a few weeks ago.

The issue i’am now having is when switching of using the power button it switches of ok but won’t restart the next day using the power button, I have to reboot using white button at the back. Prior to a few weeks ago it always restarted using the power button. Note Immediately after the reboot and for a while after reboot, not sure exactly how long, I can switch of using the power button and it will switch back on again

Do I need to reflash or is there another solution anyone is aware of?
If a reflash is required could someone please give step by step instructions of how is do a reflash and keep my existing setup ie running iptv using xtream.

Apologies for the long winded post

Thanks in anticipation
just turn off with power button then and leave in standby till you want to turn it back on saves all the messing about reflashing and even if you reflash you could still have the problem
just turn off with power button then and leave in standby till you want to turn it back on saves all the messing about reflashing and even if you reflash you could still have the problem
It won't come out of standby when using the power button on the remote if I have read it right.

OP, what happens if you put it in standby using the menu, (menu, standby/restart)

Does it come out of standby that way?
It won't come out of standby when using the power button on the remote if I have read it right.

OP, what happens if you put it in standby using the menu, (menu, standby/restart)

Does it come out of standby that way?
this is what he sais pablo (I can switch of using the power button and it will switch back on again) so to me i think he means he can switch off and on with remote ithink
this is what he sais pablo (I can switch of using the power button and it will switch back on again) so to me i think he means he can switch off and on with remote ithink
Sorry, I appear to have caused some confusion here. It's only after rebooting using the white button on the back that I can switch on using the power button. If left of overnight by using the power button it will not turn on the next day until rebooted using the white button.
It won't come out of standby when using the power button on the remote if I have read it right.

OP, what happens if you put it in standby using the menu, (menu, standby/restart)

Does it come out of standby that way?
Thanks for quick response. I'll try that tonight and report back.
It won't come out of standby when using the power button on the remote if I have read it right.

OP, what happens if you put it in standby using the menu, (menu, standby/restart)

Does it come out of standby that way?
Used menu, standby/restart/standby as suggested, no joy, had to use the white button at the back again to reboot.
Used menu, standby/restart/standby as suggested, no joy, had to use the white button at the back again to reboot.
You may need a new psu but you can try a reflash first.
Are you sure the remote is OK?
Mine steadily got worse so I ended up walking over to it as the remote only worked if it was a foot away.
I leave webif open on my phone and use the remote on that
If you cant switch box on by remote , what about WEBIF on laptop as can you log in and use virtual remote.

You not said if your time clock has stopped on front and only way then is white button at rear.
How old is the box and does it have the internal hdd,the latest box has a slot for hdd at rear. ? Also where are you saving the EPG to? And have you changed batteries in remote and held remote very close to box. Copy down what you have done for xtream or take pics in case you need to re-install. Also if you go to willow build you can install on a different partition. But box may have reached the end, is it well ventilated?
Update folks
@cactikid Suggested

If you cant switch box on by remote , what about WEBIF on laptop as can you log in and use virtual remote.

Tried WEBIF on mobile as paploescaban also suggested using WEBIF.

No joy, won't bring box out of standby. Had to reboot via white button. Both remote and webif had full control of box after reboot.

You not said if your time clock has stopped on front and only way then is white button at rear.

Time clock appears to be keeping time ok.

How old is the box and does it have the internal hdd,the latest box has a slot for hdd at rear. ?

Box is approx 3 years old. No internal had, external only

Where are you saving the EPG to? And have you changed batteries in remote and held remote very close to box.

EPG is saved to usb stick in rear USB port.
Have changed batteries. Have also checked remote signal with phone camera and is working OK.

is it well ventilated?


Also if you go to willow build you can install on a different partition.

Have willow build already installed on another partition, but no iptv installed with willow build. Struggling to understand how willow build would solve using the power button to restart.


You may need a new psu but you can try a reflash first.

Will try a new psu from ebay or amazon before I di a reflash, nervous about a reflash nit completely sure how to without losing my iptv connection

Are you sure the remote is OK?

See above.

Thanks to all for
You may need a new psu but you can try a reflash first.
Are you sure the remote is OK.
Thanks to devery one for your advice, hope I
haven't screwed this post up but was trying to reply to all.

You may need a new psu but you can try a reflash first.

Will try a new psu from ebay or amazon before I di a reflash, nervous about a reflash nit completely sure how to without losing my iptv connconnections
It depends how you get your iptv, if its by xe plugin, you can just install newest plugin after teflash and send the new code to your provider and it will work the same as before.

That said, I think it's hardware related (PSU) rather than software related.

Get a slightly higher ampage psu than the one you have, eg if you have 4A, get a 5 or 6 amp supply
The fact box is 3 years old may mean its the first version and a few were known to go faulty. I have dealt with quite a few and found 3 with the boot complaint. I tried a lot of fixes and none worked. They might work for a few days/week but would always go wonky. One thing you said caught my eye, a USB HDD can be a bugger and you don't say if it has its own power supply. If not then that could be the problem. An internal HDD is a better option but all the boxes I had go wrong did have the internal HDD. I have read cases of swollen capacitors so you could take a look inside. Try truning off with USB HDD unplugged and see what happens.

This is the PSU from the latest box, note its 3 amp.

The box has 4 partitIons so you can have 4 images. My idea was to switch to willo and see if box behaves better then you know its software, if same problem its hardware and it might be PSU but...


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The fact box is 3 years old may mean its the first version and a few were known to go faulty. I have dealt with quite a few and found 3 with the boot complaint. I tried a lot of fixes and none worked. They might work for a few days/week but would always go wonky. One thing you said caught my eye, a USB HDD can be a bugger and you don't say if it has its own power supply. If not then that could be the problem. An internal HDD is a better option but all the boxes I had go wrong did have the internal HDD. I have read cases of swollen capacitors so you could take a look inside. Try truning off with USB HDD unplugged and see what happens.

This is the PSU from the latest box, note its 3 amp.

The box has 4 partitIons so you can have 4 images. My idea was to switch to willo and see if box behaves better then you know its software, if same problem its hardware and it might be PSU but...
3000mah is 3A
I'd be looking at 6 amp minimum, especially if using externally powered drives or trying to move a dish etc