2 or more clines at the same Time


Hi all,

is it possible to put 2 different servers in the cccam.cfg file?

if I put 2 different servers in there the chance of them both missing an encryption at the same time is surely quite slim.


Not sure with C lines but I have two N lines set up in Mgcamd. It selects the first line in the list and when that goes down or freezes, the second one is activated. It isn't a smooth transition between the two though, it still freezes then reactivates the next. Apparently this works better (and smoother) on OScam but I haven't looked at using this.

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is it possible to put 2 different servers in the cccam.cfg file?

Yes you can, not sure what the maximum is but i've had 5 in there whilst testing different servers, 4 of them was C line lines and 1 N line ( I never seen the N line being used though unless i took all the C lines out)
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i have 5 clines running. all to different servres & i would mention that glitches can last longer when the cam switches between them. If they're for different cards, no problems.