3 lines!!??


Hi after some advice please total newbie!!.... Obviously I know when the time comes ask on here for a suitable line!.... But on a well known auction site they are offering 3 lines per box with a 12 month subscription..So my question is will a hs2 box allow the input of 3 lines and will this ensure freeze free as suggested!!??
Yes you can run 3 lines on the h2s but it will not mean its freeze free, no matter what anyone says cs is not
freeze or glitch free.
so is there any benefit in perhaps buying two separate gifts from two different sources so if a line was to stop , glitch or freeze for whatever reason you theoretically would always have a backup!!?? Or am I not getting it??
1 decent line is all you need My advice is do not buy them from ebay Get them from here off trusted people

DO NOT get anything from eBay.
Now you are here, you have all the contacts you need to do it yourself and better.
3 Lines makes no difference compared to 1 good provider.
Only need 2 lines if you have Virmin & Sly on same box.
Post in the sticky forum for lines, get tests and find best one to suit.
If you buy on the bay then please don't come on the site moaning when you realise you've been ripped off.
We warn everyone not to buy on the bay but some take no notice of good advice and then suddenly it's our fault when the line goes off and provider does the proverbial runner.Take the good advice given by Tich in the above post.
You have been warned.
Wont make a bit of diffrence as your box only uses one at a time anyway one good solid line is all you need i use sly and virmin and only use one line dont motice any frezzing really.
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I got mine off the bay, when I got my v8s, I did a lot of searching through there feedback etc.. Came across one for £18 a year.

Yes the lines gone down a couple of times I've emailed him and he's replied quickly explaining there's been some sort of "attack" or something, he's apologised, let us know when it's back up and has extended our gift to compensate.

We went through a stage of it clutching quite a bit, I sent him a short video of it and he renewed our line to a different one at no cost to us.

What are we looking at cost wise for a line off here?!
I got mine off the bay, when I got my v8s, I did a lot of searching through there feedback etc.. Came across one for £18 a year.

Yes the lines gone down a couple of times I've emailed him and he's replied quickly explaining there's been some sort of "attack" or something, he's apologised, let us know when it's back up and has extended our gift to compensate.

We went through a stage of it clutching quite a bit, I sent him a short video of it and he renewed our line to a different one at no cost to us.

What are we looking at cost wise for a line off here?!

You have been very lucky. there or a lot on here who will not agree with your comment as they have been ripped off on fleebay so many times that it as become a bad word.
Yes I agree I have been lucky, I had heard and still do hear if people being ripped off, especially ones that have bought ones with gifts pre-installed. There all just a cloned line on all the boxes they've bought in bulk.

There's even boxes on there claiming lifetime gifts on them..... Yeah ok :boo:
Thanks for all the info and advice and yes I have now no intention of buying from fleabay... I have decided I can do it myself!! Well maybe!! Been reading a lot on here and hopefully once purchased box from here can then go about setting up using the download builds etc
The thing is the horror stories far outway the happy stories on there.I very much doubt you will find a real server on there so they do not have any control when theres a problem.More likely buying and reselling usually buy a 6mnth and sell for a year/24mnths or resharing/resharing will have its issues as when the real server sees the resharer they get kicked and the clients then have issues.Your provider is one or the other or he would have no need to give you a different line.
You can expect to pay between £20 and £60 for year NLine/MGCAMD. (Sly) And £40 to £90 for Virmin.
But if you have a good box, good image, good internet and good line, the price is worth it.
Buy cheap = buy twice and have problems.
Read guides here, use search function, read sticky's and you will see you get what you pay for and your knowledge will rise too.
Yes I know what you mean. He gave me another line because I requested another line because it was the 2nd time it started glitching.

Since switching it's barely glitched, as little much as the sly box we have upstairs ATM, that were just using for the FTA channels
The only good way to use more than one line at a time is in Oscam.

For example in mgcamd if an ecm request fails it will move on to the next line/server in your config.... But you already see a freeze/glitch at this point.

By using oscam your box asks all your lines for an ecm at the same time.... The fastest one with a reply is used.

So for example if you had 3 separate lines in oscam all three would have to fail at the same ~8 second interval for your picture to break up.

As said previously one single good line should be enough.... But If you do have lots of "cheap" lines this is a good solution.