64GB USB compatible?

I currently have a 32Gb USB stick which is used for the EPG, timeshift etc.

I was wondering wether it is possible to use a 64GB USB instead? , I did give it a quick go with i had in the house but was getting some error when I booted the box. I formatted the USB to FAT32 using software.

The error I believe was complaining about the format not being ext2/3.

Any ideas?
You need to initialise it via the box. Plug it into the box and go into the initial menu.

OpenATV 5.1 is:
Blue button -> hard disk -> Initialisation -> Select drive -> Red button.
just be wary of fake usbs that you buy off ebay. If it seems ridiculously cheap it will be a fake. They may advertise as 64gb or even 512gb but in theory they are just 16gb or 8gb. If you go over 16gb on these fakes then your usb will totally corrupt.
Always run a fake test on a usb bought of ebay. Try H2testw software.