A few questions...


1) Does this box need a swap file? I have an external HD plugged in and formatted to ext 4
2) Is it best to store the epg data on the internal flash or external HD for performance? EPG seems laggy on BLUE HD skin.
3) What is EIT? Its under the EPG settings.
4) How many channels does Sly ROI have that Sly UK doesn't. I know some people have ROI for Setanta Sports.
1) No doesn't need it but does seem to run better with it on VIX - still undecided as to if there's any difference on ATV
2) Never the internal flash - there's not enough of it! Blue HD is a very high-res skin so will be slow, look in the download section there are other sly like skins available that don't suffer lag
3)Don't know!
4)All the Irish ones! If you want to have a nosey just add the bouquets you can always delete them.