AMIKO HD SE BOX - ALL $ Scrambled from yesterday


Hi all,

I really hope someone can help me. I've updated firmware by USB A while back & got all channels that had scrambled..

I was watching CNN two nights ago and dozed off. Woke up the following morning to find only the non $ channels work. I've attempted to flash by both USB and fttp - to no success. I've turned off the box, removed both satellite & ethernet cable..still no change.

Does anybody have any suggestions or ideas? It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the speedy response - I purchased the box less than a year ago that came with a subscription already included. Is it a case of paying for a subscription now?

Any advice is appreciated.

Beyond the channels scrambling - is there a way to know if the subscription is the issue?

And in the event of that being the correct diagnosis - can you recommend a safe/reliable site to make a subscription purchase?

Warm regards,

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Apologies - I'm not knowledgeable in this field at all. How would I install a test line?