Blade Media 7000s server list help


Was wondering if anyone could help me. Recently bought a blade media 7000s but i can not seem to acces the server list editor. I thought if you simply selected any channel and pressed 9991 on the remote it brings the menu up. I've tried this but nothing happens. If anyone could help me with this it would be very much appreciated.

I've only ever known the 9991 menu not to work on the hacked sw version when the fw has curropt slightly,
if you reflash with the hacked (9991 version) fw then you will find that the 9991 menu will work again.

Hi galaxy thanks for the responce. To be honest mate im not 100% what u mean. Got my box yesterday brand new. Set the box up last night just for freeview and not touched much more. Should i perform a factory reset and try again?
oh, thats why you havn't got the 9991 menu mate,
the official fw doesn't contain that option as they don't officially support cs.
when you flash your box with any hacked version like the 1 posted on the sticky above

ahh thanks for ur help folks. probs shouldnt have emailed the blade media support team regarding this :whistling: