

Sorryfor all the ????s I’m a total newbie and a big learning curve

I note in the instructionsit asks for the following

would the Server Domain be as follows:-

Server Domain1 plus 13000 17F748DE 17F748DE

Server Domain2 plus 13000 17F748DE 17F748DE or

C: Server Domain1 13000 17F748DE 17F748DE

C: Server Domain2 13000 17F748DE 17F748DE

If you had 2 lines

Wound the Host be Host 1 server domain1
Host 2 server domain2

Server Port? 13000
User Name? 17F748DE
Password? 17F748DE
DES Key? not sure what goe's here

or have I got it totally wrong
your advise please

DES Key is usually 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

why not save it on USB instead of inputting it manually saves you a job everytime theres a new firmware you won't have to keep putting it manually. Just look at Bees guide tells you how