Can't flash custom images


A mates given me his box to try and set up because he can't get it to flash. I am having the same issues.

I have tried both sucmnsee's image, and wooshman's image. I've even tried my own backup of my own box and all that happens is on boot the box shows "boot" then "flsh" and "boot" again. Just repeats that indefinitely.

However, if I try to flash the barebones VIX or ATV image, they both flash fine.

I have tried the custom images again after installing VIX and ATV and get the same problem.

Am I missing something or do I need to try and do all the hard work myself, setting up autobouqets and EPG myself? (I tried when I first got mine and failed horribly)

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Yeah they are the correct images. (I had to check he was using the correct ones too)

I didn't know about imagemanager in VIX, will give that a try later. Cheers

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You could use kiddacs bare bones instructions and make your own image, longer process if it works make a backup just incase any future problems

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Couldn't use imagemanager. It didn't recognise the files on the USB. Tried following kiddacs guide but couldn't ftp anything to the box. The menu said it was stopped and wouldn't t start.

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The only reason ftp wont work, is 1) you have setup your box/router to externally view your feeds, or 2) the computer and zgemma are on different wifi's i.e you are using a hotspot/repeater with different sid names.
In ftp default user name and password are user:root password: (leave blank). Port you can ignore. And you get your zgemmas ip from menu > information > network
The router was BT home hub straight out of the box.... Well, disabled smart setup

Both zgemma and PC were on the same network. Used the correct username and password and it just didn't work.

I had to give him the box back in the end saying I couldn't sort it for him (didn't have the time over the weekend and he needed it for Monday). Turns out it was for his brother who has started to sell them. Glad I didn't waste anymore time on it now.

Cheers for the input though guys

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this maybe worth a try: as you cant get it to flash with anything other than a stock image (which in itself is a bit strange) why not flash with that then update online to wooshbuild to see IF it will flash that way? (will mean leaving VIX & using ATV stock image)
this maybe worth a try: as you cant get it to flash with anything other than a stock image (which in itself is a bit strange) why not flash with that then update online to wooshbuild to see IF it will flash that way? (will mean leaving VIX & using ATV stock image)

I don't think it would work like that he could flash stock vix image then flash any image via imagemanager ftp media/hdd create a folder called imagebackups and place the zipfile in there then Menu, setup, vix, image manger and press blue button to restore. There's probably a same way on openatv but I'm not sure
I did consider the posting the same way as you say but thought it was too long winded to type as im lazy, wooshbuild just seemed an easier way, ATV has indeed has similar option to upgrade from a backup rather than flash, any of the ways stated should work although I'm struggling to see why he can flash with a stock image but not a proven backup?!