Convert recordings to mkv


Does anyone know whether it's possible to convert Blade recordings to mkv?

If so what software is best?
Nothing that I'm familiar with.
Each recording has it own folder containing several files -
.ifo 2kb
.prv 5kb
.trp 2Gb
2x .mda 0kb
.001 2Gb
.002 2GB
.003 2Gb
I've tried opening all of them with VLC but haven't had any luck.
Gom player will play the recordings it's the .trp file you click to start the playback.

As for the file conversion google .trp to .mkv not tried it myself but I'm sure there's plenty of converters out there.
Thanks for the suggestion I found a few guides with your help.

For anyone else wanting to do this I've had some success using tsremux.

First join the .trp .001 .002 & .003 by making a .bat file (within the recording directory) containing this:
copy /b "abcd.trp"+"abcd.001"+"abcd.002"+"abcd.003" D:\Clip.ts
d: being the output directory, make sure it's fomatted to NTFS for files >4Gb

Then remux this created file using tsremux which can be found with a quick google. I've set the output to BDMV as my media player supports this format.