Does anyone own a SAT-TN 7000 HD?

Hi Guys,

I had to replace my old Tivusat STB as it kicked the bucket but I'd just wanted to purchase a cheapo type STB. I went for the SAT-TN 7000 HD as it ticked all the boxes, plus it had HD. After receiving it in the post I proceeded to update the firmware and accidently used the wrong one. When I went to the manufacturer's website they don't seem to have a contact email address, that I can see. I have experience with reflashing Skyboxes (F3 and F5) using the RS232 port and wondered if I could do the same. I tried using the STB Erom software but it just tells me that I'm using the wrong file. The file is in BIN format, BTW. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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