File Naming, Folder Location, Recording Type


Is it possible to change the default file naming for recordings? ie currently mine will be "20160530 0227 - Setanta HD - Euro NASCAR_ Venray". Ideally I would like to add S before it and replace the space between date and time with E so basically "S20160530E0227 - Setanta HD - Euro NASCAR_ Venray". (Underlines to show the changes, not wanted in the name obviously).

The reason behind this is my recordings are auto scanned by Plex but it only adds them if they're named as above.

Next, is there a way to preset certain recording to go to a specific folder. I know I can do it per recording but say it it contains "NASCAR" which I have as a specific auto timer that it would put all of those recordings in a NASCAR folder.

Finally, can the recording format be changed, ie a different codec? A variant of MP4 preferably.
Setting the save location is done when you set up a timer or autotimer. There is an option to choose which folder you want to save to, just highlight it and green button.
I don't know if you can change the default file name but I do it from my PC using an old freeware program called Ken Rename which is really easy to use and can rename multiple files at once.
Here are some examples:


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This is what I did on atv

custom location
ftp to box, go to HDD or where ever you save you videos, in side the movies folder, create a new folder. Then when your back on your box and setting a timer or editing a timer, go to location section, hot ok on it, highlight the custom folder and hit green.

you just need to rename it from .ts to .mp4 and it will work in all your apps. Plex will pick up .ts anyway you don't need to change it.

the naming
menu/setup/recordings & timeshift/recording settings/composition of the recording file name.
change it to which you want and try them out
i have short on and it only gives the names
Thanks for the answers so far.

I've already been changing folders manually so I think that'll do for now.

I'll give the file naming a go and hopefully it'll do it how I want.

As for the recording format, it's not that I want the file extension to be MP4, I actually want it encoded in MP4. I know I can pull the files off and re encode them but it would be much handier if they already came off in a decent format.
Thanks for the answers so far.

I've already been changing folders manually so I think that'll do for now.

I'll give the file naming a go and hopefully it'll do it how I want.

As for the recording format, it's not that I want the file extension to be MP4, I actually want it encoded in MP4. I know I can pull the files off and re encode them but it would be much handier if they already came off in a decent format.

I don't think the recording format can be changed from ts which is basically mpeg2
All I'm saying is if you changed it to MP4 it still plays, encoding if something different
that will need to be a third party job on Mac or pc
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