Getting started.


Hi everyone,

I've been trawling the forum for information before I posted.

I know, I know, should always search previous posts for similar questions because they've been answered a hundred times before.

I'm looking to buy my first box and get set up but I have a few questions before taking the plunge.

I'm a VM customer, broadband only, can I split the coax and run it into a box and go from there?
Reading through the forum looks like people have ended subscriptions before getting a box or even keeping a basic package going.
Just worried that because i've never subscribed to a previous tv package it wouldn't work.

If the answer is yes. My next question would be, what box do I go for?
I would say I have a budget of around £120, if there's something on the market that's worth paying a little extra under your recommendations I'd be willing to pay it.

Any info/suggestions would be great.

I fully expect to be kicked to previous posts where my questions have been answered, I'm cool with that. Every little helps haha.

Vm broadband will be fine, you may need a splitter kit, about a fiver off eBay have a look at the E2 cable boxes from world of sat
Thanks Bees, I'm not worried about the splitter and stuff.

Just wasn't sure the line would bee okay, and the best box to go for.
Miraclebox are doing a single tuner for £99 or combo for £145
if you want to run sat and cable
Going for the single tuner Bees, no need for the combo.
The fact that it works with a NAS sold it in the end.

Too many talk about adding HDDs or Ext HDDs and I can't be bothered with that.
I've got 12TB of storage sitting on my network at home doing nothing.

Thanks for the help.