Gift query


Hi all,
It is possible to get a gift/line for anything from £10 - £200 a year. There are so many folk selling these at the moment with varying prices.
Assuming the seller does not go out of business, is there any difference between these ?
Or are they all coming from the same servers, and we are being conned into paying more than is necessary?
Hi all,
It is possible to get a gift/line for anything from £10 - £200 a year. There are so many folk selling these at the moment with varying prices.
Assuming the seller does not go out of business, is there any difference between these ?
Or are they all coming from the same servers, and we are being conned into paying more than is necessary?

i would also like to know, I bought 2 lines off eBay last week from reputable seller with good feedback for £17.99 a line.

they're working fine at the moment
The nice people who sell cheap on certain sites fleece the punters and when they have enough cash flowing in usually do the inevitable--switch off and run. Easy money because the punters think a] great deal b] got one over on sky/vm. Then the whining starts---"I bought 24mths line from so and so and now its not working, what should I do?"
Don't tar all servers with the same brush, a little research before you buy and that will equal happy people.
Why would they turn the switch off when they've got money rolling in ? Doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I did say "assuming the seller doesn't go out of business"

My question is....are the servers all the same, quality wise ?
If the price is cheap and the server ends up over subscribed everyone that server then suffers
Any sever can go bad, things happen, people go on holiday and they have lives to live
if you want a faultless servers do the legal thing and signup to sky