h2s file list

wooshman your a f**k**g legend m8 worked a treat
it was my fault when my words were cut in half i changed it back to NO in ecm enhanced movie that why i wernt getting the number of row up when i changed it back to YES then press menu on it sorted thanks for your help top man:willy nilly::yes!:

Lee, it has been a while since you requested help which we were happy to give in an instant, Today it was found that the way you repay me is by taking the ENTIRE WooshBuild post instructions for v3 including the downloads from techkings and posting it on linuxsat-support.

I will admit that you did say you couldn't take any credit for it when you created the post on there but you failed to tell them that you took it from techkings and that you weren't even considerate enough to ask me if you could do it before or after doing it. If you had have asked me I would have said no as I have to others as it belongs here on Techkings.

This is the remains of your post http://linuxsat-support.com/showthread.php/106979-wooshbuild-for-2s-open-atv-5-1?p=343722

People please don't post WooshBuild instructions or downloads elsewhere. It was created off the back of the initial help I received from TechKings users, TechKings is where it will stay.
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