Satellite Help with info button please


Can somone help here please ,
it shows
info button short = channel info
info button long = single epg

but when I press info button short I get choose bouquet and info button long I get please choose an extension
if I press epg that just brings up choose bouquet too
You can set what buttons do what, if you are using a back up image these could be set to the users preference
I've been through all the epg settings I can see and what I'm seeing is they are already set to this
info button short = channel info
info button long = single epg
thats what I want but when I press them buttons I'm getting
info button short I get choose bouquet and
info button long I get please choose an extension
ive turned bouquets of now so now when I press epg I get the epg but then info brings up epg also
go into channel selection settings and change "show bouquets" and change to "no" then if you go to "settings" and then "customise buttons" when you press "EPG" on the remote, choose how you'd like it displayed.

I have mine set to "list"

now when I press EPG I get a complete list of channels and what's on, using the left and right arrows you can select between "films" etc. etc.

If you press "info" that will bring up your bouquets, or maybe map it to do that, can't remember if i done mine that way.

Pressing red on a channel will show you the channel EPG

If you press up on your remote you'll also get another kind of epg if you didn't know...

(mrgee did you sort this, i typed it all out and re-read your post.2nd one?)


This is quite a cool effect on the title bar as well...

14-12-2015 17-07-37.jpg
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Thanks for that but what is that software your using that's not something img I've seen on my box it looks more like done windows software ?
I still am having a problem with the info button, its set to - info button short = channel info, info button long = single epg. It doesn't bring up the necessary info but keeps bringing up channel listing sttings