HELP: ZGemma H.2H no HDMI output

I've had a ZGemma for just over two weeks and it had been working perfectly find until yesterday. The HDMI output randomly stopped working (composite video works). It doesn't even display pic on boot.

The following is what I have tried:

1. Different known working HDMI Cables.
2. Different displays.
3. Different images.
4. Played with settings to try lower modes, 720p, 480p (via composite video).

Any other suggestions? Or has the HDMI Chip gone? I'm baffled
I've a h2s where the hdmi didn't work from the start, I sent it back to my supplier and he replaced the hdmi port and it worked perfectly after that. I did have another but I got sound but no picture but that was down to the cable not being inserted firmly enough into box and/or TV