How Do You Keep Track Of TV Series?


Does anyone have any recommendations for keeping track of TV series?

I have found and but are there any other good sites?

Thanks for the suggestion I will check it out.

Has anyone got any other suggestions?

Each site seems to have its pros and cons.
What exactly do you mean by "Keep Track of"?

Are you referring to what has been aired & when the next episode is due to air? or, are you referring to tracking torrents?

Have you looked at
New series information. My TV guide is not great at giving information when it is a new show. I will checkout Hopefully between all sites I will not miss a showing of something new. Even though quite a few programmes are repeated if you miss too many you don't understand what is happening.
I'm guessing you mean being able to keep up to date with new episodes of a TV show as they are aired? If that's the case, I normally just check Wikipedia for my favorite TV shows to check out the schedule for when the episodes will be aired. After a while it becomes easy, episodes are normally aired on the same day every week or two.