Intermittent picture freezeTha


Hi I am using Zgemma for Vermin tv I was told I may need to use an attenuator connected between cable and box to resolve picture freeze issue. I bought a variable attenuator from eBay as I could not find the type Vermin use on tv boxes anywhere for sale. In the first instance this seemed to have fixed the issue. But now after turning the attenuator setting screw various times my issue seems to have returned. On screen setting shows 0.522/65% on SS4. What if any are the optimum settings for a consistent picture. TBH I am not that fussed if the picture is HD or SD ? When I first got the box it was set up by a friend of a friend as I have no idea how these boxes work. My friend has the same set up only his feed comes from Sly. Thanks for any help with this issue
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Could be a number of things, i would check the following:
Cables are connected properly and tight (remake the connections if needed)
Power down your receiver,Restart your modem/router, power on your receiver
Check your Mg_cfg file is set up correctly (if you don't know how to then just swap it for mine in the cable downloads section)
Still experiencing problems? then try a few test lines from the relevant section.
Thank you. So is there no need to get a cable amplifier or something along those lines? My channels are mostly fine except a few of the pictures break up. What is the mg_cfg file u talk about? Thank you
Most people will tell you to take off the attenuatuor as they reduce the signal, personally i've got them fitted to all my receivers with no issues.
Try fitting one to see if its any better, try it with it off. I'm not a expert when it comes to cable strengths so its trial and error as you cant really phone VM to turn up your signal if its low.
If your running a N line in mgcamd then you will of placed a mg_cfg file into your receiver for your line to work. Unless your running a C line?

If you your still experiencing after trying everything else i would ask advice from an ex cable fitter regarding cable signal strengths etc, i'm sure there are a few on here

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