Iptv in tesla


Hi guys

Anyone in the UK managed to get iptv to work in there tesla model 3 ?

Apologies if this has already been discussed
Am I the only one who thinks this scary, install iptv in a tesla and your watching a movie as the car drives you home :(
I think Tesla is a lot like Crapple,
it's all locked to their own shite,
use our shite or don't,
once you're in you can't get out, sort of thing, ask anyone that's gone from Android to Crapple that wants to go back to Android what's the biggest problem, it won't allow you to port anything out
Hi! I haven’t seen this topic on the forum before. This sounds interesting, even though I don’t really understand the purpose of installing a TV in a car. I should say that this might be dangerous.
It's nothing new, my brother had a car built in 2004 that had a TV built into dashboard.
It wouldn't play if the car was switched on....it came up with warning message about safety whilst driving etc.
I've heard of lots of people having IPTV in their cars, it works on the rear TV monitors only when the vehicle is moving, it's to keep the screaming weaners quiet.
Not sure how the volume works, TV audio could still distract the driver but I assume viewers would require headphones
To he fair not iptv but I think can actually put a movie on mine. My Mazda 3 being Japanese is hackable. I've put and Android auto on it but there is a part with movie player I think. I also overwrote the touch screen protector so it works whilst driving.