Is my line tied to my ip address


Apologies if this is a daft question!
my mate wants to borrow one of my boxes for a couple of days to try it out. Will it work with my line on his router/ISP. I know he could get a test line but the box already has one of my lines loaded.
you should be alright but no harm to mention to provider you have given your box to a friend for a test,its only when same line connects on 2 boxes alarms may ring and gets cut off.
Just to add to this, my provider said its ok as long as I dont connect 2 lines on different ip at same time. I assume most will be the same as not everyone has a static ip
I think what he's getting at is you don't have the same line running on two separate boxes at the same time. A big no no if you don't have multiroom or the suppliers permission and will
Most certainly land you with a deactivated line.