Moving channels


Hi guys, was wondering if anybody knows how to get the .ssu file onto a usb to edit the channel list using the channel editor tool from blades website. Would be a lot handier to do than do through the stb.
Use Update & Backup from the Setup menu.

In this case Backup. Change file type from all to database. Select the USB drive and name your file. Once named select the file to save to it, it's just an empty file, so unless you save the database to it you'll have nothing stored. All done, take this to your pc to edit.
cheers, that worked but looking at it, its very confusing. Looks like i'll have to stick with moving about on the box :eyes:
cheers, that worked but looking at it, its very confusing. Looks like i'll have to stick with moving about on the box :eyes:

It's a doddle to move the channels around in the favourite groups on the Blade PC editor.

Just load your ssu file in, and press the FAVOURITE tab across the top. Select which fav category you want from the pulldown, then click the channel you want to move and press the up and down arrows to move it.

What could be easier than that?
It's a doddle to move the channels around in the favourite groups on the Blade PC editor.

Just load your ssu file in, and press the FAVOURITE tab across the top. Select which fav category you want from the pulldown, then click the channel you want to move and press the up and down arrows to move it.

What could be easier than that?

I agree, I've created a category and simply renamed it Favourites, I moved all my fav channels I would ever watch into it all in SD and also added the remaining HD channels.

I've made a back up only so I don't need to go through the process again after a firmware update, but it's very easy to do on the box.